True confession time. I recently started following a '
build it yourself woodworking' blog that has utterly captured my attention. I love to read this blog and dream about future items I'd love to make. My first two projects will be a picnic table for our kids and a bench for our porches. For some reason, using a drill and a saw give me a great sense of power - they empower me. Yep...corny but there it is.
My father showed my husband some raised planter beds he'd made. Yessiree, my dad had his garden already planted in March, in his mini-green house raised beds. Well, my husband was inspired. Now, my husband is great at many things, but he's never really built anything, and he doesn't especially enjoy such projects. However, yesterday he made a trip to the lumber store, came home and began his own raised beds project.
Really, it was quite difficult for me to be missing out on all of the fun. I just wanted to head outside and start having fun with those tools, but I refrained as I knew we would probably have differing opinions on how to do it and end up in an argument. (We rarely argue, but when we do, it always seems to be when we are working on projects together. Typically, one of us has read the assembly instructions and the other doesn't feel like they need the instructions..then it gets a little um, 'warm'.) So, I stayed inside and created
pumpkin cinnamon rolls for the neighbors, and then finally talked him into starting up the tiller for me. I then went to, preparing our garden for it's new raised bed.
We decided we might as well plant our plants now and let them start growing outside rather than in, and so the girls and I ran up to Home Depot where we found heavy duty plastic (and several other exciting toys).
We headed back home and started to plant. A neighbor happened to stop by and begged to help plant a few of the 'plantitas', and then he decided he wanted to till the rest of our garden while my husband fertilized all of our plants and I pruned our backyard plants and trees.
Here's our project - complete. We can't wait to see how things grow and how this works. We look forward to reduced weeding and a fantastic garden full of veggies this year! I am super proud of my husband's project. He did such a great job and while he didn't necessarily love doing it, he's pretty happy about it being complete and that he actually did it!