Thursday, September 6, 2012

Slap of the wrists

It seems that I got too busy to blog this summer.  I can't believe it has been since July.  Naughty, naughty me.
Our youngest daughter found a ballet workshop during the last two weeks of July - it was pretty intense, but she loved it.  So, after searching for a gymnastics home, we settled with a cheer and tumbling program.  She didn't love it though, and so we looked around and found a classical ballet program.  She's attending twice a week and is enjoying it.  She's hoping to try out to be a mouse in the nutcracker this fall/winter season.  Hmmm
In the started during that second week of August - so early!  We spent lots of time shopping and getting all of our school gear back together, and I've spent lots of time running around taking are of lots of things I've put off.  Mostly, I've been hanging out with our realtor.

Meanwhile on the home front - we don't have one.  What I meant to say is that after 11 months of wrangling, and trying to purchase the home that we've been renting, we were told to take a hike by the owner's bank.  As a short sale, we've been at their mercy - waiting and waiting.  Well, they decided to look at the file again just as we got the green light.  They suddenly raised the price $20K.  Our realtor (and theirs) squawked and said they were plain crazy, and asked them to look at it again.  They did.  And then they added another $20K onto the price - elevating it $40K.  Way over price for even a traditional sale - and even more than the owners even paid for it 8 years ago.  Then, they told us to pay it up, or take a hike - by 5 pm.

Hence, my daytime job looking at houses with the realtor.
We made an offer on one house last week, but it was rejected by the seller - she was not interested in negotiating anything - it was all or nothing and she was priced high.
So, we are in the midst of another offer and crossing our fingers that we will have a home to live in in the near future.  In the meantime, we have another realtor banging on our door trying to show this home to some new crazies who think they might want to buy this overpriced short sale of a home with no privacy or backyard and an itty bitty kitchen.

The good news is - after agonizing over the house we are currently hoping to get - we found out that the schools are all different schools.  BUT - because our oldest has been fervently praying that even if we move, she wants to continue to go to her school - our kids may still get to finish this year and next at their schools...if I'm willing to drive them to and from.  Guess we will cross that bridge when we get there.

It is almost 7:30 and my house is way too quiet!  Pictures on their way soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Mare. This time try to find a house with some privacy in the yard. You won't regret it!