Friday, January 20, 2012

New friend

I got a new friend for Christmas, and I'm falling in love
Not to mention that winter in Florida is akin to fall in the Rockies - there isn't much not to love. 
I've been out three times this week.  Monday the girls and I did a 10 mile ride together.  It took a lot of breaks, snacks, and 2 hours (we also stopped at a friend's house and dropped a kiddo off there). 
Wednesday I got on my bike for a ride, and wasn't sure if my backside could handle it.  Ow! 
But, I got 10 miles in and was happy with my time - and just thrilled that I did it. 
Today, I got the same 10 miles in, but shaved off 2 minutes and felt really good because it was easier today than it had previously been.  

Yep...I wore a light jacket, and the sun shone through the trees and dappled the bike path which was littered with leaves.  The air was crisp, and a light breeze whispered by.  

Really, come August, I might be missing the mountains, but every morning when I head out to go walking (in my single layers), and see the stars, and feel the perfect 50-60* weather, I can't help but love Florida's winter weather.  

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