Friday, January 13, 2012

Kids Bookclub blog

You know how in that veggie tales song "Where is my Hairbrush" everyone is embarrassed by the guy in the bath towel?  Yeah, I know, my last posting was a little embarrassing.  This one should be a little less uncomfortable.

When I moved to Florida, I was invited to join a bookclub.
I took my daughter with me since she's such a voracious reader.
My daughter went home and read the next month's entire book immediately.

Later, I was very gently told that while they all enjoyed meeting my daughter, she was a little too young for some of the discussions.  We were both quite disappointed.

I decided to put together a bookclub for kids and moms, and invited some people to join us.
We've got a couple of families who are really interested and they read as much as we do!

Here's a link to our bookclub blog.
I'd love suggestions of any books you may have read, or that your kids have specifically enjoyed.

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