Sunday, August 29, 2010

2010 Primary Song Review Activity

Wanna see a picture of me in scrubs?
I didn't think so. Oh well, read on anyways.

Today we started reviewing the songs we've been working on learning in Primary this year. Each year in primary the children learn 8 different songs which teach about gospel principles, as well as the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus have for each of us. In conjunction, there is a monthly focus on a gospel principle. In the fall, each primary throughout the world shares a primary program during sacrament meeting on Sunday. During the program, the children share what they've been learning about throughout the year and they get to sing the songs they've been working on all year.

I've been our ward's primary music leader for two + years, and I am preparing for my third program. In truth, the primary music leader's job is tough. You can't ever repeat the same thing you did the week before because the kids get bored, and you generally only have about 20 minutes for 4 weeks in a row to teach the children the songs so that they know them, understand the message of each song, and are mostly ready to perform them. AND you have to keep it interesting and engage the children too!

While a tough responsibility, the music leader also has a lot of latitude, and can do fun and zany stuff once in a while as well. I've been waiting for over a year to try out the activity we did today. It was very rewarding and helped give me the information I needed for the upcoming weeks of review.

Today, I walked into singing time dressed up like this. I was also wearing latex gloves, a stethescope, and a facial mask.
(I know, those poor children!)

I had a chart with all of our songs that we've been working on which I'd titled our "Song Ometer". I introduced myself as Dr. Lettuce Ing (say it fast, you'll be amazed at how clever I was coming up with that name).

We talked about why we go to the Dr...sometimes because we are sick, and sometimes just for a check up. I explained that all of our songs needed a check up so that we would know which songs might need a little more work.

On the chart were check boxes of the things we needed to check.
Words, Rhythm, Message, Expression, Dynamics, and finally a spot for our final diagnosis.

I put on my gloves and we went to work. The kids sang each song (as many as time would allow) and then I chose physician assistants to come up and help me figure out where the ailments were. They got to put a red dot sticker (fever - VERY sick), a yellow dot sticker (needs a little more exercise and care), or a green dot sticker (clean bill of health) next to each checklist item depending on how they felt we did. I then got to give a final diagnosis. If the song was perfect, I gave it a blue dot sticker. If it wasn't 100%, it got the green, yellow, or red sticker.

Now, I know which songs the kids need to do a little more work on, and so do they!
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Tisha said...

Wow! That is so great! Your primary is very blessed and LUCKY to have you!!!!

Julie B said...

Mare, you are so cute and the creativity is off the charts. You make me smile and those kids really are lucky to have you. I just love you.