Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Kitchen

Here's the Lodge where we basically lived other than to sleep and shower

Where everyone ate (getting there early in the am). There were five (yes 5) fridges in there for us to use!

I have a confession. I have a new love.
Here it is - six burners and a GIANT griddle. It was like heaven. Seriously. Unfortunately, the oven thermometer was broken and it didn't heat so evenly inside. The good news is that there was an electric range there which did heat reliably. But that stovetop, oh bliss!

Here's the whole kitchen and serving area

We cooked for 20 people, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 4 and a half days. The kitchen was often hot despite the fans and boy - it was SO much work, I couldn't believe it. To top it off, somewhere along the way, our recipe folder was lost - I think it is lying along the interstate somewhere. One sister headed down for some forgotten medication and retrieved a few recipes from my online blog, and later I was able to find a landline connection at the caretaker's cabin where they let me review a few other recipes we needed.

We enjoyed going up to the camp and seeing all of the girl's skits in the evening and participating in their faith walk.
We took a break in the afternoon to play games, go to the craft tents where the girls made friendship bracelets and visors, and one afternoon the headed off with the girls to the lake to play with the zip line!
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