Monday, November 17, 2008

I guess it has been a while and I should post. This past week I've been pondering some of the changes that are hitting our nation. Suddenly, some of my beliefs have come under virulent attack and I've been interested to feel my own emotions and reactions to these attacks.
Last week I spent a lot of time working on some cleaning projects. While I worked, I listened to the past General Conference. As I listened to some of the talks, I was amazed at HOW much they applied to today, now, especially in response to the backlash from some of the recent election issues. I was particularly impressed with a talk given by Elder Robert D. Hales and Elaine Dalton. They both talked about standing firm and not lowering our standards. No matter what others may say, or what the public opinion may hold, there are absolutes. Some things are wrong no matter how they are painted, and some are right. I've just been thinking about this quite a bit lately. Yep - lots of controversial stuff, but it's been on my mind.

On another note, the food storage challenge is over. We somehow survived. And, apparently, despite their rapturous statements, my kids do NOT like the powdered milk. I think the novelty wore off after um... one glass?
One thing that was tough was being asked to take dinner to someone who was sick, and then the next week being asked to take two dinners to the school teachers. We made chile one day, rice and eastern indian food and I just forgot everything else we did, but we survived. I did find that I need some powdered eggs, cheese and butter. I was surprised to realize how often we just use those types of ingredients and don't really realize it.
I'm sure all of our local grocers will be thrilled to know that the challenge is over as I'm sure they were affected by the challenge as well.

1 comment:

Jules said...

That's awesome that you took the challenge seriously and you've probably gained a better perspective of what you really might need in your food storage. Powdered eggs are soooo expensive! I have a little in case of an emergency. My stake keeps talking about canning butter. I have a recipe if you need it. I don't think I'll do it unless I can find butter for less than $2.00 a pound.