Monday, August 25, 2008

I Looked out my window and what did I see?

Unfortunately, it wasn't popcorn, and it wasn't a new car. Along those same lines, it wasn't a bear, and it wasn't a coon, elk, or deer -
We HAVE SKUNKS! (And he wasn't skanking for any MDA people out there)

Yes, we've had raccoons, and we've had deer and elk. We now officially get to add skunks to the list and try to figure out how to get rid of them. We've seen several (and smelled them) all summer long, but never imagined that they would be under our porches. Yes folks, that is plural - front and back. Tonight we watched one saunter all over the back porch looking for treats, and listened to, saw and smelled a skunk fight under the front porch. The loser then left. My photos didn't turn out very well through the glass door, so I found one that looked exactly like our little guy. By the way from a distance - he was very cute.


Milly said...

y'know, I could put a comment here about your feet, but I wont. That is really too bad to have a skunk living under your porch! It would make me a lot more careful with my commings and goings over his home. Good luck driving them off!

Jules said...

What's the problem? Skunk, shmunk! Your hubby loves the smell of skunks. He probably baited the porch just to get them to come and live with you all. Am I right or am I right?

Ashlee said...

Yuck! That smell lingers forever too. Well i guess your husband loves that smell??? I guess you can be greatful you live so close to the hills that a skunk would come down to you house...lucky right?!