Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas can officially begin

As I was reading a journal entry from last year I came across something I'd recorded that my husband had mentioned. It was December and I had played "For Unto Us a Child Is Given" from Handel's Messiah in church that day. After I'd played it, he had sighed and told me that Christmas could now officially begin - apparently it never begins for him until I've performed this piece.

As such, I played it in church last Sunday, and again today at a friend's piano recital as she accompanied me.

We've mailed out our cards and packages, made treats to share with our friends, got some snow, and I think we are officially ready to sit back and enjoy the holidays. Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyful holiday season!

1 comment:

Julie B said...

I wish I could be there to hear you play that song. It would be a nice way to start the season. I love to sing the Christmas hymns in church, that's my begining I suppose.